Topic 3: Single or Multiple. Which is better?

To summarise what I have gained from FurtureLearn, here is an infographic illustrated by me using Canva and Piktochart.

Open House

Source: Created by me using Canva


Source: Created by me using Piktochart


Source: Created by me using Piktochart

I tried to improve my digital literacy by using Powtoon and Canva to create visuals. Although I find myself more comfortable with using Piktochart, I feel it is important to gain more exposure to different tools that help enhance my skills.

Watch this video to find out what are some of my key takeaways from reading and commenting on my classmates post.

After reading my classmate’s blog posts, I noticed that most of them discussed about the theories while providing some real life examples and statistics. However, we can also think of some preventive measures to protect ourselves against the negative consequences.


Source: Created by me using Piktochart


Source: Created by me using Piktochart


Source: Created by me using Piktochart

To find out whether I am a person with a Single Identity or Multiple Online Identities, I have illustrated an infographic below.


Source: Created by me using Piktochart

As you can see, I am a person with a mixture of single and multiple identities. It depends on the purpose, need and audience in which I decide to have one or multiple identities. Take for example, I have two carousel accounts, one selling second hand items and the other one selling pre-ordered items. Therefore, having multiple online identities allows me to manage my identity to suit a different context. However, I only have a LinkedIn account as I believe that having multiple professional accounts will make people doubt about my reliability and authenticity.

To conclude Topic 3, I believe there is no right or wrong answer of which is better. At the end of the day, every individual has their own preferences and they get to choose to react and behave in certain ways which will either help to add value to their network or the other way round.

Word Count: 293

Commented on:

Evelyn Lo

Xin Yi Loo


(n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2017, from

Lee, K. (2017, October 04). Manage Multiple Social Profiles: 6 Simple, Powerful Tools. Retrieved November 22, 2017, from

Tips to Stop Cyberbullying. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2017, from

Topic 3: Online Identities VS Multiple Identities


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We are living in a world where online networks have become increasingly popular to the extend that we devote a part of our daily life on the Web. People are increasingly concerned with building their online identity as a means to construct a presentation of themselves. Different people use and adopt the web based on individual needs and purposes.

Online identity can be divided into two categories; Authenticity or Anonymity


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Quite often, we tend to make our private information accessible, especially on social networks. Our personal data such as date of birth, phone numbers, and emails are easily accessible on Facebook which may result in privacy invasion.

On the other hand, I have read about people who lost their jobs due to social network posts.


Therefore, there comes the advantages and disadvantages of building an Online Identity.


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In addition, the different social accounts reflect different parts of individual persona. “Different sites, different audiences, different purposes.”



The above screenshots shows people who have more than one social network account.

The results are not surprising as I have two Twitter accounts for different purposes.  Different social accounts reflect different parts of my persona. My personal Twitter account is where I can tweet and talk about random stuff. In contrast, my professional Twitter account is where I tweet about work. This separations help to make my personal online footprint invisible to those whom I work with.



Hence, having multiple online identities does have its advantages and disadvantages.


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Source: Original 

In conclusion, I believe is it important to be mindful of our online presence and having multiple online identities that we created by ensuring that it is best suited for different needs to avoid from the negative consequences which may affect our reputation in the eyes of the employers.

Word Count: 293


Krotoski, A. (2012, April 19). Online identity: is authenticity or anonymity more important? Retrieved November 20, 2017, from

Mindef hit by targeted cyber attack. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from

Top 20 Facebook Statistics – Updated November 2017. (2017, November 03). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from

Property portal employee fired for insulting Singapore on Facebook over Pokemon Go game. (2016, July 11). Retrieved November 20, 2017, from